We’re starting to hear the mighty JOLTA blasting out of our radios more and more recently and we’re pleased to let you know that ‘Sunset Surrender’ the lead track of their debut Sunset Surrender EP has been getting blasted out on the infamous XFM via John Kennedy on Xfm Xposure and also via Ian Camfield on the XFM Rock show. Not only that, Amazing Radio have been blasting the single out as well. Thanks to Shell Zenner for playing on her awesome Saturday afternoon show and also Aaron Phillips for blasting SUNSET SURRENDER on the Amazing Rock show! Total Rock Radio have also been playing as well as several awesome regional radio stations around the UK. Lots to come from this awesome brighton rock n roll 4 piece. You need to keep a close eye on JOLTA! Listen to the track below and follow JOLTA on twitter ( @joltaband )